The Australian Services Union is one of the largest and most diverse unions in Australia with 130,000 members.

We pride ourselves on ensuring that we work side by side with our members to achieve better outcomes for working people, as well as fairness and equality for all Australians.

What you can expect.
As a member of the Australian Services Union, you have access to expert advice, assistance and support in your workplace when you need it.  You also have access to our specialist helpline (ASU Assist), our membership services department, exclusive training courses and a wide range of exclusive discounts. Find out what industries we cover here.

ASU Assist
The Australian Services Union operates the ASU Assist helpline to ensure members can readily access advice and information specific to their own concerns at work.

We encourage our members with any queries or concerns to contact our ASU Assist Industrial Officer on (03) 9342 3300. All discussions are free and confidential for our members.

Non members
If you’re not yet a member of the Australian Services Union, we want to hear from you. There are significant benefits of union membership which is why 130,000 people like you are already here.

If you need help or just want to learn more, contact ASU Assist.

How can ASU Assist me?

ASU Assist gives you the expert advice and ongoing support you need to resolve situations in your workplace and get the best outcome for you. Advice includes:

- Grievance handling
- Award, Contract and Agreement enquiries
- Workplace Bullying and Harassment
- Workplace mental health issues
- Other WorkCover matters
- Dismissal
- Union Membership Enquiries
- Union Membership Benefits and Services

In you’re dealing with conflict at work, the best thing you can do for yourself is to know:
- Your rights
- Procedures and policies
- And all possible outcomes

We’re by your side to support you through any workplace difficulties. By working together, we can help you find the best path to resolving the situation quickly. 

Learn about the industries we cover here. 

Join now

Get support.

If you require assistance with a problem at your workplace, contact us here and an experienced member of our staff will contact you.

 Join now

We represent workers across the private sector including law firms, call centres, airlines, and NGOs. 
Join today. 

We Won’t Wait

The ASU has been a leader in making workplaces better for those who experience violence in the home. 3/05/2022