Your right to request to swap public holidays
Date: 30/11/2023

Did you know? ASU members often have a right to request swap public holidays for more flexible and inclusive workplaces. 

Many enterprise agreements and awards include a right for employees to ask to work on a public holiday and take another day as a substitute public holiday instead. 

How does it work? 
You can request to swap any public holiday. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, you could ask to work on the Christmas Day public holiday and instead take time off to celebrate something important to your own cultural or religious background, such as Lunar New Year.

If you would prefer to work on Melbourne Cup Day or 26 January Australia Day public holidays, you may apply for another day off instead. 

Both you and your employer need to agree on the substitute day, but only you can initiate the swap.

What about pay?
You'll earn your normal rate for working the original holiday, and public holiday rates for your substitute day.

The ASU is proud to be at the forefront of this push for modern and flexible entitlements to improve the lives of workers, such as progressive parental leave policies, a four-day work week, the right to disconnect, and now the right to substitute public holidays.

Want to know more? Head to our website or get in touch with the ASU team at [email protected] or on 03 9342 3300.

Not a member? Join the ASU today.

If you require any support or additional information, please contact your local ASU organiser or the ASU office on (03)9342 3300 or at [email protected]

ASU members also have full and free access to 100+ professional development courses through ASU Career Launchpad. This includes, but is not limited to, free courses from the Your Rights at Work series (& many more online professional development series)! Learn more.  
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The ASU were there for me in times of uncertainty and change at my workplace.”
Melissa, ASU member 

Call centres

The Australian Services Union has significant membership in call centres across Australia. 3/08/2022