Our members are never alone at work.

The ASU is by your side at every stage of your working life. Our union is here to provide you with advice and support from your first to your last paycheck, and everything in between.

We know that issues at work often arise unexpectedly and can happen to anyone. Our members receive many benefits:  Additionally, the Australian Services Union continues to advocate for higher superannuation entitlements to ensure workers have peace of mind in their retirement. Learn more about member benefits here.

When an issue arises at your workplace, the Australian Services Union is by your side.

Need help?

If you need advice or require assistance with a problem at your workplace, simply contact us directly here and get help.

Join now

As a member, I'm part of a workers' collective that fights not only for my benefit, but for everyone's benefit.”
Craig, ASU member 

We Won’t Wait

The ASU has been a leader in making workplaces better for those who experience violence in the home. 3/05/2022